Tiktok vs YouTube|Which is better for creater?

Tiktok vs YouTube. Which is better for creater? and who is win the battle read full article...

  • Tiktok comes in 2018. Before 2018 it is called musical.ly. Tiktok is short video sharing platform.
  • Youtube is also proper video sharing platform. Tiktok and Youtube has website and application.

Which is better let me find


    Tiktok has 500 m+ active user monthly and Youtube has 2 b+ active user monthly.

    YouTube has 500 hours of contents upload on YouTube every minute and 1 Billion hours of video are watched on YouTube every day.


    Tiktok has major audience between 16-25 age. YouTube has all age audiences

    Contents availability

    Tiktok has less content available.
    YouTube has many content available
    Example-tech,entertainment,food etc

    Monetisation and earning

    YouTube has monetisation and it gives money to its creater.
    Tiktok doesn't have monetisation so creators doesn't get Money from Tiktok.

    Choose as a career

    Creator can be choose YouTube as a career because YouTube have monetisation and give money to its creator.
    Tiktok can't be choose as career because it has no monitization.

    Hard work

    In YouTube more hard work is required for making video.
    In Tiktok hard work doesn't require.


    YouTube and are trusted but tiktok does not trusted because it is chinese.


    Tiktok can be uninstall but YouTube can't be unistall.


    According to above points and me YouTube win the battle. Tiktok always far than YouTube. Tiktok never comes with YouTube.

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